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To make the best use of the following directory, please keep in mind crystals come in many different shapes and forms that will influence the healing properties. Round and smooth stones give a smoother soothing energy, course and sharp do the opposite.Heavily patterned stones can assist to find your path and channel information and enhance creativity, look for clues in the stone.
Creativity to see what is Real. Protection of the physical body against discord.
Helps remove blocks that are stopping the flow of ideas.
Protection ~ Creation ~ Connection
Helps remove blocks that are stopping the flow of ideas.
Protection ~ Creation ~ Connection
Activates the Third Eye and Crown Chakras to assist with connection to Higher Self. Relieves stress and transforms energies into positive love .May assist to ease headaches and release addictive behavior.
Freedom ~ Action ~ Spirit
Freedom ~ Action ~ Spirit
Amazonite opens both the heart and the throat chakras which enhances loving communication. This stone is extremely soothing and helps alleviate worry and fear. Also soothes emotional trauma. It protects against electromagnetic pollution and dispels negative energy.
Love ~ Passion ~ Balance
Love ~ Passion ~ Balance
Activates the Throat Chakra to assist one to speak softly, connected to spirit. Hold next to Heart Chakra and ask for guidance from your Angels in life matters or just to call upon them for comfort and support.
Peace ~ Joy ~ Love
Peace ~ Joy ~ Love
Apatite is a stone of inspiration and spiritual guidance. It stimulates deep meditation and helps you develop spiritual gifts. This stone also draws off negative energy towards yourself or others and induces openness and social ease. Also heals your heart and emotional dis-ease.
Courage ~ Action ~ Love
Courage ~ Action ~ Love
Activate the Crown Chakra to open the connection to your angels.
Great dream stone to know the meaning and the messages of the dreams.
Dream ~ Pyramid ~ Ascension
Great dream stone to know the meaning and the messages of the dreams.
Dream ~ Pyramid ~ Ascension
Aqua Aura
Aqua Aura Quartz is treated with gold and adds the healing properties of gold to quartz. Gold is the purest element that nothing sticks to, all crap just slips right of. Stand in the light of your majesty.
Alchemy ~ Buddha Nature
Alchemy ~ Buddha Nature
Aquamarine is a stone of courage, it's calming energies reduce stress and quiets the mind. This stone helps you understand your underlying emotional states and soothes fears. It was believed to counteract forces of darkness and was often carried by sailors as a talisman against drowning.
Connection to Higher Chakras and the divine rays of Christ Consciousness. Brings peace to ones mental self while staying focused on the highest good.
Balance ~ Miracle ~ Peace
Balance ~ Miracle ~ Peace
Aventurine assists you to open the heart to receive all good life has to offer. Perfect for those that are always giving and have a hard time receiving.
Good Fortune ~ Blessings ~ Love
Good Fortune ~ Blessings ~ Love
Black Tourmaline
Activates the Root Chakra for protection on the earthly realms.
Assists to become aware of your actions. May ease back pains.
Protection ~ Realization ~ Freedom
Assists to become aware of your actions. May ease back pains.
Protection ~ Realization ~ Freedom
Blue Aragonite
Activates the Throat Chaka to assist in bringing the truth to surface.
Assist to speak up and tell what you feel even when it is painful.
Peace ~ Justice ~ Love
Assist to speak up and tell what you feel even when it is painful.
Peace ~ Justice ~ Love
Botswana Agate
Activates the Root Chakra to revitalize the flow of creation.
Get you imagination rolling, to see things outside of the box and see things create before it happens. Good for leader and bosses or ones that want to be. Courage ~ Energy ~ Light
Get you imagination rolling, to see things outside of the box and see things create before it happens. Good for leader and bosses or ones that want to be. Courage ~ Energy ~ Light
Butterscotch Beryl
Activates the Solar Plex Chakra to create abundance.
May assist with digestion. Wisdom to know whats best for difficult situations. Creator of Joy.
Peace ~ Joy ~ Guidance
May assist with digestion. Wisdom to know whats best for difficult situations. Creator of Joy.
Peace ~ Joy ~ Guidance
Activates the Sacral Chakra to create creation of material things for this earth.
May assist sexual drive, energy, and creativity.
Vigor ~ Energy ~ Creation
May assist sexual drive, energy, and creativity.
Vigor ~ Energy ~ Creation
Higher Chakras to assist in connecting with the higher self and the angelic, celestial realms. Brings calm and peace to situations. May assist to be soft to and loving toward all beings including yourself.
Love ~ Connection ~ Peace
Love ~ Connection ~ Peace
Activates the Crown Chakra to create connection to divine source of natural knowing.
May assist to bring in the violet flame to transform negative energies to love.
Love ~ transformation ~ Freedom
May assist to bring in the violet flame to transform negative energies to love.
Love ~ transformation ~ Freedom
Connects you to Earth while activating the crown Chakra, may assist to receive the golden ray of Christ consciousness.
The best stone for protection against psychic vampires and harm.
Protection ~ Unconditional Love ~ Miracles
The best stone for protection against psychic vampires and harm.
Protection ~ Unconditional Love ~ Miracles
Activates the Solar Plex Chakra to create the use of the wisdom flame.
May assist to balance emotions, to stay calm and see things for what they are. Can be good for de-toxing the body as well as the environment.
Wisdom ~ Abundance ~ Peace
May assist to balance emotions, to stay calm and see things for what they are. Can be good for de-toxing the body as well as the environment.
Wisdom ~ Abundance ~ Peace
Clear Quartz
All Chakras. Universal Light will hold the space for your intentions to manifest.
May assist to clear the space and give clarity to situations.
Spirit ~ Love ~ Light
May assist to clear the space and give clarity to situations.
Spirit ~ Love ~ Light
Dalmatian Jasper
Activates the Crown and Base Chakra to create balance of higher forces and the earthly realms.
Assists to come to a light solution when faced with a challenging situation.
Loyalty ~ Balance ~ Overcome
Assists to come to a light solution when faced with a challenging situation.
Loyalty ~ Balance ~ Overcome
Dendritic Agate
Activates the Earth, Root and Crown Chakras for the creation of balance in ones environment.
Good for nervous dis-orders and balancing the hemispheres of the brain.
Focus ~ Peace ~ Light
Good for nervous dis-orders and balancing the hemispheres of the brain.
Focus ~ Peace ~ Light
Activates your throat Chakra to assist you to move forward in the light of love. The stone of Arch Angel Metatron. May assist to get insight to the core matter of things. Communication with divine source.
Love ~ Action ~ Peace
Love ~ Action ~ Peace
Activate the Heart Chakra to Love.
Eases stress of the heart and may assist you to be more patient and loving.
Love ~ Peace ~ Forgiving
Eases stress of the heart and may assist you to be more patient and loving.
Love ~ Peace ~ Forgiving
Flower Agate
This stone has many healing properties that encourage self-growth. The best analogy to describe the energy flowing from Flower Agate is “from seed to blossom," because it will help you to blossom and reach your full potential. It can aid as a protector from your own fears & self-doubt to allow you to grow. Its beautiful - soft, feminine energy ignites passion to pursue our dreams and live life to the fullest.
Activates the Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras depending on the color. Creates heaven on earth by releasing the energies of divine light here on this earth. May assist to ease infections of all sorts. Can strengthen teeth and bone. As Above so Below - Emerald Tablets 777bc
Activates the Earth and Base Chakras to create the energies of creation itself to assist to bring abundance so that one can focus there spiritual path and have all there earthly needs met. Hold next to the heart chakra and send love to all being on earth. Abundance ~ Grounding ~ Peace
Hawks Eye
Activates the Third Eye Chakra opening the gate to see visions of spiritual truths. May assist ones sight, good for breath and throat problems
Vision ~ Strength ~ Peace
Vision ~ Strength ~ Peace
Howlite is an extremely calming stone. Placed under the pillow is an antidote for insomnia. This stone has a link to the spiritual dimension and opens you up to receiving wisdom and insight. It teaches patience, eliminates rage and overcomes selfishness.
Idocrase / Vesuvianite
Activate the heart chakrasto heal past wounds at all levels. May assist to ease heart pains. Creator of love I am love I heal with this love releasing all to this light of love so all may be healed.
Love ~ Joy ~ Peace
Love ~ Joy ~ Peace
Jade is a stone of purity and serenity as well as a stone of good luck and friendship. Jade soothes the mind, releasing negative thoughts, stimulates ideas and makes tasks less complicated. As a "dream stone" it brings insightful and wisdom.
Attraction ~ Peace ~ Protection
Attraction ~ Peace ~ Protection
Activates Base Chakra to assist with guarding physical self from harm.
Stability and security in uncertain times. May assist to ward off dis-ease and boost the immune system.
Protection ~ Wellness ~ Security
Stability and security in uncertain times. May assist to ward off dis-ease and boost the immune system.
Protection ~ Wellness ~ Security
Kambaba Jasper
Activates the Heart Chakra, radiates the green flame to the Etheric Body assist in Shielding when doing your light work. Healing light of miracles, please blaze this earth and its inhabitants with your healing light and love.
Healing ~ Strength ~ Joy
Healing ~ Strength ~ Joy
Kunzite opens the heart, throat and third eye chakras promoting loving thoughts and communication. This is an extremely spiritual and protective stone, placing a shield over the aura and blocking negative energies. It also relieves stress, anxiety and depression. "Seeing all things as love you become love healing the heart of past pains." b-
Release ~ Freedom ~ Love
Release ~ Freedom ~ Love
Kyanite assist you to connect to truth, works to align and balance all the chakras. May help people that are going to die but are holding onto life and suffering to let go of their attachment to earth so that they may cross over and go to the light
Lightning Flame of Trust
Lightning Flame of Trust
Lapis Lazuli is a stone of enlightenment, psychic ability, and self expression. It stimulates the personal and spiritual power which deepest inner self knowledge. It releases anger and bonds all relationships as well as connecting you to your spirit guardians.
Intuition ~ Trust ~ Courage
Intuition ~ Trust ~ Courage
Thunder and Lightening stone to Charge all Chakras.
Bring in the storm energies of calmness before, the drenching of the storm and the cleansing of after.
Light ~ Purify ~ Joy
Bring in the storm energies of calmness before, the drenching of the storm and the cleansing of after.
Light ~ Purify ~ Joy
Lemurian Seed Quartz
Connects Earth and Sky Chakras to bring Heaven on Earth.
Connects you to all of creation. Feeling of being complete in all ways. Bliss....
Oneness ~ Love ~ Freedom
Connects you to all of creation. Feeling of being complete in all ways. Bliss....
Oneness ~ Love ~ Freedom
Lithium Quartz
Feel good stone to assist you to uplift your mood to bring light and joy to your self talk. Keep your thoughts and actions in the positive flow for the best outcome.
Release ~ Freedom ~ Pain Ease
Release ~ Freedom ~ Pain Ease
Connection to all Chakras ot create attraction of your wishes.
May assist with getting flow going on your life to attract what you want.
Law of Attraction
May assist with getting flow going on your life to attract what you want.
Law of Attraction
Activates the heart chakra to create a path of healing. May assist to open the heart for forgiveness of oneself and others. Can benefit with physical healing process as well.
Liberty ~ Healing ~ Wellness
Liberty ~ Healing ~ Wellness
Activates Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras to create connection to ones higher self for evolution of mankind. Stone from the stars connects us to outer realms of spirit and universal light of love. May assist to heal the heart. Feel Good ~ High Energies ~ Compassion
Moonstone is used as a Connection to the divine Goddess of Love and Light.
May assist to create peace and love in your life.
Goddess ~ Love ~ Peace
May assist to create peace and love in your life.
Goddess ~ Love ~ Peace
Connects Root Chakra to Crown Chakra to create Balance, raising of the energies to prepare for ascension. Nuumite is said to be one of the most ancient stones on this planet forming as old as four billion years ago. May assist to connect with the oneness of creation and feel whole as one.
Oneness ~ Protection ~ Empathy
Oneness ~ Protection ~ Empathy
Ocean Jasper
Ocean Jasper, also known as the Atlantis Stone, is a stone of strength and renewal. Helpful for healers and counselors, it helps us love ourselves and others. Ocean Jasper brings unresolved feelings to the surface and teaches us patience and service.
Activates Earth, Root , Sacrel and Solar Plex Chakras for Feeling renewed energies. May assist with relief of pains at all levels. Creates abundance by being able to see were it comes from.
Abundance ~ Wellness ~ Seeker
Abundance ~ Wellness ~ Seeker
Activates all Chakras to create the ultimate connection to divine light. Infuses the body with light. Stone of angels, use her to call fourth your angels to assist you with what you wish for.
Angels ~ Protection ~ Light
Angels ~ Protection ~ Light
Activates the Higher Chakras for ascension.
Highest Frequency Crystal on the planet at this time. Freedom from worldly matters, focus on connection to spirit.
Zing Zing ~ Ascension ~ Illumination
Highest Frequency Crystal on the planet at this time. Freedom from worldly matters, focus on connection to spirit.
Zing Zing ~ Ascension ~ Illumination
Activate the Heart Chakra to release burdens to experience freedom.
Prasiolite is a green amethyst and can be used to bring peace or to calm an anxious heart.
Love ~ Peace ~ Abundance
Prasiolite is a green amethyst and can be used to bring peace or to calm an anxious heart.
Love ~ Peace ~ Abundance
Balances the heart chakra to assist to bring to balance your life your flow of light and love. Healer stone for healers.
Wellness - Peace - Love
Wellness - Peace - Love
Activates the Root Chakra for creation of your wishes.
May assist with seeing the bigger picture, showing empathy for situations were kindness is necessary.
Emotional Balance ~ Peace ~ Love
May assist with seeing the bigger picture, showing empathy for situations were kindness is necessary.
Emotional Balance ~ Peace ~ Love
Red Jasper
Secures you to Earth Chakra and activates the root for grounding to this reality to see the mechanics of life to stay here for our purpose. May give one support and feeling of security. Allows one to make choices that are beneficial for ones fortune. May ease pains.
Oneness ~ Security ~ Abundance
Oneness ~ Security ~ Abundance
Rose Quartz
Activates the Heart Chakra to create compassion and love for self and others.May assist the heart to heal. Allows on to forgive and love all that life has to offer. Place eight tumbled rose quartz in a smooth bowl to bring on the loving calm energies to ease stress and create peace..
Love ~ Compassion ~ Peace
Love ~ Compassion ~ Peace
Rutilated Quartz
Connection to divine light energies.
Abundance ~ Connections ~ Angels
Abundance ~ Connections ~ Angels
Balances all Chakras, may assist to shield and heal up energy wounds and bring light healing to the body. Good for creating light grids, place one crystal in each corner and decree the light of divine love to saturate and hold the space in that light. Protection ~ Light ~ Balance
Activates the Heart Chakra allowing one to share
Good for giving healing light to your friends and loved ones to feel peace.
Love - Radiation - Peace
Good for giving healing light to your friends and loved ones to feel peace.
Love - Radiation - Peace
Shiva Lingam
Activates Earth and Base Chakras to create healing energies to ease physical pains. Hold one in each hand while meditating to stay grounded and assist in centering ones self. May assist one to conceive a child, place over ovaries before and after. Earth ~ Peace ~ Creation
Activates Base Chakra to assist in connection to earth healing energies to assist in removal of physical pains. A must for massage therapist for shielding against taking on others stuff. Please cleanse stone after each session. Protection ~ Light ~ Health
Activates the Throat Chakra to create action that works in ones life and eases stress. May assist one to breath easy, letting go of what does not work and seeing gratitude in life.
Truth ~ Peace ~ Action
Truth ~ Peace ~ Action
Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz is one of the most effective grounding and anchoring stones because it has such a strong link to the earth. It is a superb antidote for stress and it helps you leave behind anything that is no longer serving you. It alleviates fear, lifts depression and brings emotional calm.
Sun Stone
Sunstone is a joyful and light-inspiring stone. It can be used as an antidepressant, helping you switch to a positive take on events. This stone promotes self empowerment, confidence, and self worth. It allows your real self to shine through happily.
Activate the Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras to assist in divine speech. Connection to source energies to the all natural knowing of creation. Nay assist to get to the bottom of things.
Truth ~ Intuition ~ Mastery
Truth ~ Intuition ~ Mastery
Tiger Eye
Activates the solar plex chakra to give strength and courage.
May assist to balance the emtional state of your mind. Gain wisdom and insight to situations that deserve balance.
Wisdom ~ Courage ~ Balance
May assist to balance the emtional state of your mind. Gain wisdom and insight to situations that deserve balance.
Wisdom ~ Courage ~ Balance
Tiger Iron
The perfect mixture of red jasper hematite and tiger eye. Tiger Iron has the
power of all those stone grounding giving you the courage to stand for what you believe in and take chances to great rewards.
power of all those stone grounding giving you the courage to stand for what you believe in and take chances to great rewards.
Titanium Kyanite
This is natural black kyanite that is treated with titanium to enhance the energies of protection. Surround yourself in these wings of protection and reflect the power of unity back.
Protection ~ Courage ~ Oneness
Protection ~ Courage ~ Oneness
Titanium Quartz
This crystal assist to reflect negative energies to sender. May assist to bring harmony by awakening the oneness consciousness. Bring the energies of cooperation and unity.
Power ~ Vision ~ Unity
Power ~ Vision ~ Unity
Turritella Agate
Activates the Earth and Root Chakras to create the flow on imagination and knowing of divine rights to our majesty. May assist digestive issues. One of the best stones to assist to think outside the box and see things in a clear manner.
Vision ~ Clarity ~ Wellness
Vision ~ Clarity ~ Wellness
Activates the heart chakra to create balance in life.
Epidote and Feldspar mix may assist to make decisions that are for the creation of peace. Evens inflow with the outflow, good for curbing back extreme behaviours. May assist the rhythm of the heart.
Balance ~ Choice ~ Path
Epidote and Feldspar mix may assist to make decisions that are for the creation of peace. Evens inflow with the outflow, good for curbing back extreme behaviours. May assist the rhythm of the heart.
Balance ~ Choice ~ Path
Zebra Stone
Zebra stone can be used to assist you to see things in black and white and to make choices clearly
Balance ~ Clarity ~ Understanding
Balance ~ Clarity ~ Understanding